MATH 200/201W: Undergraduate Seminar I and II

    Fall 2005

   Alexander Teplyaev

    office: MSB M222
    office hours:   MW 1:00-1:50pm, F 10:00-11:00am, or by appointment
    phone: (860)486-3206

AMS TeX Resources

The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX

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General description of the course:

To get exposure to various mathematical topics not met in other courses, students in this course attend talks in the Math Club. The talks are once a week, by both local and outside speakers. Background for the talks will usually not go beyond calculus and some linear algebra. Attending at least 7 of the talks is required. The topic from one talk, at the student's choosing, will form the basis for a comprehensive written paper. The paper will give a self-contained introduction to the topic, include technical details going beyond the talk itself, and show a familiarity with relevant sources in the literature. It will be read by a member of the mathematics department and, following a discussion, be revised and re-submitted. The course may be taken twice, first as Math 200 and then as Math 201W. Completion of the second course will fulfill a W requirement within the mathematics department. Students enrolled, or planning to enroll, in this course are welcome to suggest topics for lectures in this course.

Lists of talks in the Math Club from current and previous semesters (including abstracts) are available at The Math Club meets 5:30-6:20, usually on Wednesday (however there will be a talk on Friday, September 9. The first meeting is on Wednesday, August 31 at 5:30-6:20 in MSB 215.

The Math Club questions and suggestions are to be addressed to Keith Conrad.

The questions about writing the papers and grading are to be addressed to Alexander Teplyaev during office hours or by e-mail.

The official descriptions of the courses in the UConn catalog:

Math 200. Undergraduate Seminar I
Either semester. One credit. Prerequisite: MATH 210 or 220; and MATH 211 or 221.
The student will attend 6-8 seminars per semester, and choose one mathematical topic to investigate in detail. The student will write a well-revised, comprehensive paper on this topic, including a literature review, description of technical details, and a summary and discussion.
Math 201W. Undergraduate Seminar II
Either semester. One credit. Prerequisite: MATH 200; ENGL 105 or 110 or 111 or 250.
The student will attend 6-8 seminars per semester, and choose one mathematical topic to investigate in detail. The student will write a well-revised, comprehensive paper on this topic, including a literature review, description of technical details, and a summary and discussion, building upon the writing experience in MATH 200.

More information about writing the papers and grading

The University Senate decreed that all students at the university must take one of their W-courses in their major. A W-requirement is that a student writes at least 15 pages of revised graded work where the quality of the writing counts significantly as part of the grade and can not pass the course without passing the writing component of the course. Math 200 and 201W are to be taking one after the other. In each course, students will attend about 7 undergraduate talks at the Math Club run by Keith Conrad. They will pick a talk and write an expanded treatise on it with at least 7.5 pages. There has to be a first draft of the paper with feedback from the instructor, Alexander Teplyaev (office hours, e-mail), and the final draft of the paper graded by the same instructor.